Study and Inspiration. Ready for Spring break?

While building my own business, I keep doing research, studying and finding sources of inspiration for my work and for my life.
Just so you know, I am doing my best, to deliver the best to you.

Some kids are about to start Spring break and as a mom myself, I know how much things change when our little ones are home.

There are things and situations only another mom can understand: backpacks on the floor, crumbles on the sofa, a jacket hanging from the staircase... We don't judge, because we have been or are still there.

And a little help can actually do a lot! Changing the color of our walls, getting our home professionally cleaned, hiring a babysitter so we can have adult time... It's easier than we think.  Time is a treasure we must spend wisely, choosing the things that need to be done but also, those things we enjoy doing.

Don't hesitate hiring a professional even if it's for just a little help.
No job is too small :D


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